카테고리 없음
[YBM 10분 전화영어] 20230220 - 12Days
2023. 2. 20. 06:21
YBM 10분 전화영어
지난 주말 뭐했는지 얘기함.
환절기라 목감기, 병원갔다왔다고 함.
1 night, during the day
change of season
2. I'll see you later in 'all' the coffee shop
=> I'll see you all later in the coffee shop. [much better]
3. I'm trying to cutback on coffee at the moment
4. I'm tired this moring, So I need a strong coffee.
next : page 15 - Situation 1, 내 답변만 말하고 끝남.