'assignment'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.12.23 [YBM 20분 전화영어] 20211223 - 38Days

[진행시간 : 22분]
새벽 6시 01분에 시작 - 6시 23분 종료

[준비해본 것]

[도전해본 것]


1) Television is still very popular in korea, but many people now prefer to spend their spare time online or playing games on their smartphones. In your opinion, will korean television increase or decrease in popularity in the coming years? Why?

 => I think that television is still popular in korea. So my opinion is korean television increase in popularity in the coming years. But, not include all TV. 

TV's type is seperated smart TV or not smart TV. Smart TV is available to spare time online or playing games. And They need watch large screen for movie or contents. Almost TV screen lager than smartphones. So korean tv is increase in popularity.


My opinion is Korean TV 

==> Instructor 께서는 smart tv 의미를 잘 모르는 것 같다. 설명을 드리니 regular TV, smart TV 로 표현을 나눠서 하셨다. Regular TV가 smart가 없는 시대인지는 잘 모르겠다. smartphone 보다 cellphone으로 표현하셨다.

그리고 screen bigger 로 표현하셔서 large보다 big이 더 좋은 표현이냐 물어보았더니, it doesn't matter라고 하시네.



2) Do you think TV has a positive effect on modern culture? Why or wht not?

=> I think that TV has not positive effect on modern culture. Because TV is passive media. So, many people don't actively thinking about modern culture, and just learning about it. That is why I think TV has not postive effect on modern culture.

==> 저 듣고 있어요 를 순간적으로 I'm listening이라고 표현했는데, 맞는 표현인지 찾아봐야겠다.

Actively thinking about modern culture or our society. (여기서 20분이 초과되서 끊겨져서 다음 수업때 이어서 하기로 함) 


[전화영어&복습 영상녹화]
- 안찍음

[다음 순서]
Prepare : 23page. Basic Talk (Book name : real talk 3) + assignment(22page-B)

1. 수업 복기시간 : 5분

2. 녹음본 듣고 느낀 점 : 포인트가 좋았다고 해줘서 기분이 좋았다. (really good point)


Posted by 유영훈