'telephoneenglish'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.11.16 [YBM 10분 전화영어] 20211116 - 12Day

[진행시간 : 7분]

새벽 6시 12분에 시작 - 6시  19분 종료


[도전해본 것]

How are you today?

=> I'm in excellent health. 

I'm super. Couldn't be better. 



How are you today? 에 대한 대답표현들

How are you today? 에 대한 여러가지 대답표현들 일상영어회화표현! 원어민쌤들이, 외국인분들이 매일같...


=> change the answer expression, instrutor is satisfied.

how's the weather?


No yepp, yepp. => slow expression



pattern practice, writing activity

the quicker we go, the quicker we get back


[다음 순서]

Prepare : 20page, - C (21 page)



1. 수업 복기시간 : 5분


2. 녹음본 듣고 느낀 점 : prepare is the most imprtant thing. Beacause I have a confidence to speak english and talking with my instructor. 


3. instrutor says "excelletn, great class", "have a great day" => Thank you so much.


Posted by 유영훈