[진행시간 : 20분]
새벽 6시 01분에 시작 - 6시 21분 종료

[준비해본 것]

[도전해본 것]


work from home 재택근무

week 어땠냐고 물어보심.

Gogh lived only his van that it seems for art.

=> It seems that van Gogh lived only for his art. [반고흐]

H.W 3~4. unscrambling the word


C-3. Sometimes quotations are very useful but predictable are also familiar.

=> Familiar quotations are sometimes predictable but are also very useful.

C-4. The movies were most popular Artistic medium of the 20th century.

=> Movies were the most popular Artistic medium of the 20th century.


make a movie : 영화를 제작하다



[전화영어&복습 영상녹화]
- 안찍음

[다음 순서]
Prepare : 28page. Basic Talk (Book name : real talk 3) 

1. 수업 복기시간 : 0분

2. 녹음본 듣고 느낀 점 : 출근준비

Posted by 유영훈