[최초 영어일기]

Eventually, I'm win to covid-19. Yesterday, My condition is very good, but have a litte coagh, but I'm ok.

So, My wife said "Should you test covid-19 using self-testing kit?"

I'm thinking about this test is little fast? But I'm tried it, because she wants.

So, I'm tried test and find positive results. I'm finded 1 line this kit.

I want that my wife and baby recovery condition too and going travel far away someday.


[최초 영작 - 구글번역]

결국 나는 코로나19에 이겼다. 어제 컨디션이 아주 좋은데 약간 콧물이 나긴 했지만 괜찮아요. 그래서 아내가 "자가진단키트로 코로나19를 검사해야 하나?"라고 물었습니다. 나는이 시험에 대해 생각하고 있습니다. 조금 빠르지 않습니까? 하지만 그녀가 원하기 때문에 시도했습니다. 그래서 나는 테스트를 시도하고 긍정적인 결과를 찾습니다. 이 키트를 1줄 찾았습니다. 아내와 아기도 회복되어 언젠가는 멀리 여행을 갔으면 합니다.


[구글번역 - 한글순화]

결국 나는 코로나19에 이겼다. 어제 약간 콧물이 나긴 했지만  컨디션이 아주 좋았습니다. 그래서 아내가 "자가진단키트로 코로나19를 검사해보면 어떻겠어?"라고 물었습니다. 나는 이 검사를 하기에는 조금 빠르지 않나 생각했습니다. 하지만 그녀가 원하기 때문에 시도를 하였습니다. 그래서 나는 테스트를 시도하였고 긍정적인 결과를 찾습니다. 키트에서 1줄이 나왔습니다. 아내와 아기도 함께 회복되어 조만간 멀리 여행을 갔으면 합니다.


[구글번역 - 한글순화 => 영어번역]

In the end, I defeated COVID-19. I had a runny nose yesterday, but I was in very good shape. So, my wife asked, "How about testing for COVID-19 with a self-diagnosis kit?" I thought it might be a little too early to do this test. But I tried it because she wanted to. So I tried the test and find positive results. 1 line came out of the kit. I hope that my wife and baby will also recover and go on a long trip soon.



Posted by 유영훈

[최조 영어일기]

Eventually, My wife and baby got corona virus.

I don't know why happens it to my family.

Me and my wife is already got corona vaccine. but my baby is too young, So he didn't got vaccine.

and he don't know how can spit out. His voice is strange and maybe high tone. I'm very regretful this enviroments.

I want to this 1 week is very fast passed and I'm expected to resort or hotel with my family for swimming and rests.



결국 아내와 아기가 코로나 바이러스에 걸렸다. 왜 내 가족에게 그런 일이 일어나는지 모르겠다. 저와 제 아내는 이미 코로나 백신을 맞았습니다. 하지만 제 아기가 너무 어려서 백신을 맞지 않았습니다. 그리고 그는 어떻게 침을 뱉을 수 있는지 모릅니다. 그의 목소리는 이상하고 아마도 높은 톤일 것입니다. 이런 환경이 많이 아쉽습니다. 1주일이 너무 빨리 지나가서 가족들과 함께 리조트나 호텔에서 수영과 휴식을 취하고 싶습니다.


[구글번역 - 한글순화]

결국 아내와 아기가 코로나 바이러스에 걸렸다. 왜 내 가족에게 이런 일이 일어나는지 모르겠다. 저와 제 아내는 이미 코로나 백신을 맞았습니다. 하지만 제 아기가 너무 어려서 백신을 맞지 못하였습니다. 그리고 그는 어떻게 침을 뱉을 수 있는지 모릅니다. 그의 목소리는 갈라지고 높은 톤입니다. 이런 환경이 많이 안타깝습니다. 이번 1주일이 빨리 지나가서 가족들과 함께 리조트나 호텔에서 수영하고 휴식을 취하고 싶습니다.


[구글번역 - 한글순화 => 영어번역]

Eventually, my wife and baby contracted the coronavirus. I don't know why this is happening to my family. Me and my wife have already had the corona vaccine. But my baby was too young to be vaccinated. And he doesn't know how to spit. His voice is cracked and high-pitched. This environment is very sad. This week goes by so quickly, I want to swim and relax at a resort or hotel with my family.

Posted by 유영훈

In my blog, I write this first posting that Englsih Dairy. 

But I remember this thing, I writed english diary posting in 2018.

So, I'm search this posting, and find it.




[영어일기 181009] 영어일기 처음 작성

[영어일기 181009] 영어일기 처음 작성 I want to speak and write English well. But I didn't training study steadily. So I'm start to write daily notes by English right now. Start is very Simple, But e..


Actually, these days, I sleep alone in a seperate room my family(wife and baby).

Because my wife said "You are growling noise in sleeping time. So, me and baby are awake at dawn"

 (=> My wife said, "You growl at bedtime, so me and the baby are awake at dawn.") / Using Google Translate


So, it is helpful to us, I didn't awake or surprise that my wife don't said or touch my body.

 (=> My wife doesn't talk to me or wake me up so it's good for me too)


And I want to try one more project.

This project purpose is grow up my english listening skills, and I expected grwo up even during sleep time.

 (=> The purpose of this project is to develop English listening skills, and I expected it to have the potential to learn while sleeping.) 

Fortunately, I finded youtube video that keyword 'english sleeping'. So my purpose is this video playing 24 hours and make a enviroment like a abroad.

 (=> Luckily, I found a YouTube video with the keyword 'English Sleeping'. So my purpose is to make this video play 24 hours a day and create an environment like a foreign country.)


So, give me a power. (=> So cheer for me)




Posted by 유영훈

[영어일기 181009-2] Attending Wedding Ceremony

I studied LABVIEW in National Instruments Corps almost 1 months.

I'm joined SSANGYONG Information Corporations, I quit this Class first time.

It is past almost 4 years. But Our Classmate was been contact each other using kakaoTalk Chatting Room.

One of classmate going to Wedding Ceremony in MyeongDong Catolic.

So I was attend this Ceremony and met 5 classmate.

Some people met almost 1 years.

But we are talk fluently that meet every day.

It is very impressed to me.

Congratulation and see you soon in lucky another day.


[파파고 한글번역]

나는 거의 1달 가까이 국립 악기부에서 LABVIEW를 공부했다.
저는 SSANGYONG정보회사에 입사해서, 처음으로 이 수업을 그만두었습니다.
거의 4년이 지났다. 하지만 우리 반 친구는 카카오톡 대화방을 이용해 서로 연락을 하고 있었다.
명동성당에서 결혼식에 가는 반 친구 중 한 명.
그래서 나는 이 기념식에 참석했고 5명의 반 친구를 만났다.

어떤 사람들은 거의 1년을 만났다.
하지만 우리는 매일 만나는 유창하게 말한다.
그것은 나에게 매우 인상적이었다.

축하해 그리고 곧 또 다른 날에 너를 보자.


[파파고 한글 재순화 작업]

나는 거의 1달 가까이 NI회사에서 LABVIEW를 공부했다.

저는 SSANGYONG정보회사에 입사해서, 반 친구들 사이에서는 처음으로 이 수업을 그만두었습니다.

그리고 거의 4년이 지났다. 하지만 우리 반 친구는 카카오톡 대화방을 이용해 서로 연락을 하고 있었다.

반 친구들중 1명이 명동성당에서 결혼을 하게 되었다.

그래서 나는 이 기념식에 참석했고 5명의 반 친구를 만났다.

그 중에 어떤 친구는 거의 1년만에 만났다.

하지만 우리는 매일 만나는 것처럼 자연스럽게 대화를 하엿다.

그것은 나에게 매우 인상적이었다.

결혼 축하하고 곧 좋은 기회에 만나자.


[파파고 영어 번역]

I studied LABVIEW at NI company for almost a month.
I joined an SSANGYONG information company and quit this class for the first time among my classmates.
And almost four years have passed. However, my classmates were communicating with each other using the chat room of Kakao Talk.
One of my classmates got married at Myeongdong Cathedral.
So I attended the ceremony and met five classmates.

Among them, I met a friend in almost a year.
But we talked as naturally as we met every day.
It was very impressive to me.

Congratulations on your marriage and see you soon.

Posted by 유영훈

[영어일기 181009] 영어일기 처음 작성

I want to speak and write English well.

But I didn't training study steadily.

So I'm start to write daily notes by English right now.

Start is very Simple, But end is powerful.

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future.


[파파고 번역]

I want to speak English well.

But I did not study steadily.

So I started to write a note every day in English.

Posted by 유영훈